Cathedral Visits

Cathedral Visits & Tours


On Saturday 3rd August 2024 we shall be singing for Evensong at Westminster Abbey at 5pm.

We’ll be singing the services at Ely Cathedral on July 19 – 20  2025.


In May 2024 we toured to the Netherlands, singing a concert of English music at the Lokhorstkerk, Leiden on Saturday 25 May, and Evensong in The Hague on Sunday 26 May, together with the Hague-based New Choral Singers.

We were delighted to make our fifth visit to Westminster Abbey to sing Evensong on 13th & 14th August 2021. Only sixteen singers were permitted, and we had to leave an empty row between the women and the men, which made for quite a spaced-out experience in the vastness of the Abbey quire… nevertheless it went well!

We fielded a small choir of 17 singers  at Rochester Cathedral on May 25- 26th 2019. Music included Kenneth Leighton’s Second Service (evening canticles) and Faure’s Cantique de Jean Racine at a special commemorative Evensong for the French Hospital in Rochester, the recording of which is on our Listen page.

In 2018 we sang the services for the weekend of 18th-19th August at Canterbury Cathedral, and July 20th-22nd we made our fourth visit to sing the services at Westminster Abbey. Both visits were well received and we look forward to singing again at both.

We returned to sing the services at Chichester Cathedral on 2nd and 3rd September 2017. Music included Clive Osgood’s ‘The Peace of God’ and ‘Come, My Way, My Truth, My Life’,  Weelkes’ 6th Service, Byrd 4-part Mass, Walton’s ‘A Litany’, Arvo Part’s Nunc Dimittis, Nick Houghton’s Magnificat, Responses and Psalm chants.

We sang the services at Winchester Cathedral on October 29th -30th 2016.

We sang the services at Westminster Abbey from Friday 24th to Sunday 26th July, 2015. Full details of what we sang are here.

We paid a second visit to Westminster Abbey from 30th August to 1st September 2013. Music included Andrew Carter Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis (Wakefield Service), Lennox Berkeley Missa Brevis, Purcell I was Glad, Lotti Crucifixus and Messiaen O Sacrum Convivium. Plus of course another outing for Nick’s Responses and Psalm chants!

April 2012: we sang the services at Chichester Cathedral for a weekend. Anthems included Clive Osgood’s Hymn to the Word  and Messiaen: O sacrum convivium.

July 2011: We sang the services for the first time at Westminster Abbey on the weekend of July 23rd – 24th. Since the Royal Wedding in April the Abbey had been inundated with visitors and attendances at services had risen accordingly. There were around 800 in the congregation at our Evensongs!

February 2010: On Sunday 14th February, 15 of the Lewes Singers sang the services once more at Salisbury Cathedral. There were lots of lovely comments, especially about our Byrd 4-part mass.

August 09: We visited York on August Bank Holiday weekend 2009 to sing the services at York Minster.

February 2007: We sang a weekend of services at Salisbury Cathedral.

August 2008, Bath Abbey – Weekend services

Summer 2005: Weekend Services at Sherborne Abbey, Dorset

Summer 2004: Weekend Services at Sherborne Abbey, Dorset

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