Gearing up for Westminster Abbey


It took a bit of negotiation with the Minor Canons (who decide on the music at the Abbey) but we are finally there. The music has been sent out to singers and we have a week and a half until our first rehearsal. Westminster Abbey ask visiting choirs to sing the same Introit for each service. That suits us fine, as by the time we’ve sung it for the fifth time on Sunday evening we’ve usually got it down mighty fine. Last time I remember we sang ‘Lord for thy tender mercies’ sake’ (Farrant) and it felt gorgeous. This time, however, our first and second choices were rejected as being either unseasonal or too sombre. So we agreed on Tallis ‘O Nata Lux’. A beautiful and clean opening for each service. Another piece which ended up being vetoed was the Andrew Carter ‘Wakefield Service’, a great shame as we loved singing it there last time… however, we’re looking forward to singing the glorious ‘Faire is the Heaven’ by Harris, at Saturday Evensong. This will probably be the title of our September concert in Lewes, as we’ll be singing it there too.

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