Chichester Cathedral next month & 2018 plans

We’re back at Chichester Cathedral to sing the services on September 2nd and 3rd. Two anthems by Clive Osgood, Arvo Part’s Nunc Dimittis and William Byrd’s Four Part Mass are some of the pieces we’ll be singing. We’ve had the first of our two rehearsal days and are looking forward to the weekend. Plans for…

Singing at Winchester Cathedral next weekend

We’ll be singing the services at Winchester on Saturday 29th – Sunday 30th October. We’ve just had the second of our rehearsals and the music is all sounding lovely. As well as plenty of English music in the fine Anglican tradition (Sumsion in G, Howells’ Jubilate etc) we’re enjoying learning a new piece for us,…

September concert – ‘Faire is the Heaven’

We’ve a concert coming up in Lewes, at St Michael’s Church, on Saturday 26th September at 6pm. We’re calling it ‘Faire is the Heaven’ after the anthem of that name by English composer William Harris. It’s one of two Harris anthems on the programme, which also includes two of J S Bach’s mighty motets, Komm, Jesu, Komm…

Gearing up for Westminster Abbey

It took a bit of negotiation with the Minor Canons (who decide on the music at the Abbey) but we are finally there. The music has been sent out to singers and we have a week and a half until our first rehearsal. Westminster Abbey ask visiting choirs to sing the same Introit for each…

Plans for 2014 and beyond

Happy New Year! It’s been a lovely Christmas season from a concert point of view, and although we weren’t officially performing Nick did form up a vocal ‘octet’ to sing at the biennial Amnesty International Benefit Concert, ‘In the bleak Midwinter’, at St John’s Sub Castro in Lewes just before Christmas. The event was organised…

CD now on sale!

It’s been a labour of love but our CD is finally out. Full details are on this page. It’s available from Skylark (in the Needlemakers) in Lewes, online from this website and from members of the choir. Lots of lovely English music – motets/anthems and a few madrigals too. We’ll be singing some of the…

What we will sing at Westminster Abbey

We have the first of our two rehearsals for Westminster Abbey this weekend. Because some of our members come from a distance, and to maximise the time we have together, we tend to have just two rehearsals prior to a ‘gig’, either half-days or whole days. Everyone comes having already looked at the music (if…

Plans for 2013

Although we’re only an occasional choir we have some ambitious plans for 2013. We have not one but possibly two concerts in the pipeline, and another magical weekend planned at Westminster Abbey at the end of August. But our first project is a recording. We have a number of rehearsal days planned in January and…