Singing for a Healing Service this weekend


The Lewes Singers’ first outing is this Sunday 11thMay when we’ll be the choir at St Michael’s in Lewes for a special afternoon Healing Service – it will be a combination of Evensong and Compline.

We’ll be singing the Wood in D Magnificat, Brahms’ Geistliches Lied, and Stanford Beati Quorum Via, all lovely. There will also be two psalms.

Actually it’s a small subset of the Lewes Singers – just 9 of us, with Nick on organ but joining us for the Stanford which is unaccompanied. Andrew Robinson will conduct when Nick’s off at the organ. Yay! Looking forward to it.

We’ve already got the hire music on order from the Library as we have our first (of three) rehearsals for the September concert in early June, so getting excited about that and I’m already thinking of an idea for the poster!

If you’re in Lewes, do come on Sunday – 3.30pm at S Michael’s.

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